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My group operates rotated among teachers. I am currently playing a D & D 5th Edition campaign in a scenario based on mythical Egypt. For my part, I'm working on a campaign to get into her place once I'm done. I was inspired to narrate a campaign focused on only one race: dwarves. I remember in the 90s, narrated one with only elves, using the AD & D 2nd Edition, with the group protecting the elven nation of intruders, goblinoids looters and crazy wizards to get their hands in the blood of the beautiful people. The gal has enjoyed it a lot. Now I decided to do one with dwarfs only. Then I found myself reflecting: what I should take into consideration I have to choose a game, which I am comfortable driving, knowing its possibilities, but also its limitations. I'm thinking of using AD & D 1st edition. For four reasons: first, the attributes are expressive. Each player will launch 3d6 in order. description and mechanics are just the dwarves I want at the table: proud, taciturn and resistant against magic and poisons (receive high bonuses connected to the Constitution). In addition, they are given various skills to detect secret pas*ages, gaps, slip points and traps. Things I'm going to use a lot in the adventures I plan for this troupe. Third point: I will not use skills. O a specific area (or not, if the data hits between 68 to 85). The fourth and final reason: the art and monsters of the Dungeons & Dragons version have exactly the mood I want to pas* on to my players. Around, di*ty cities, suspicious people and more specifically, on page 82. The table will define who is a former sl*ve trader, a noble without land, a craftsman, among others. The idea of ​​the plot is that the dwarves came together to find a legendary ax. This device, which can defeat a powerful players get good values ​​to define social clas*, there will be an extra part of the campaign to find such a noble to carry the weapon

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Monday, April 18, 2016


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