Unitedvoicevic.nationbuilder.com Website Review

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Website Value $856
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Monthly Earnings $47.53
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Unitedvoicevic.nationbuilder.com Server Location

Country: United States
Metropolitan Area: Conway
Postal Reference Code: 29527
Latitude: 33.7827
Longitude: -79.1473

Summarized Content

we all know educators aren't valued for the important work we do. that's why i joined my union - to play my part.. we are proud of our hard work. we want to be valued for it. and we’re ready to speak up.. sign up to receive news about united voice members – and how you can stand with us to win good, secure jobs and a better future for all. united voice members are the backbone of life in our state. victorians rely on us to help them get through their day – from before they joining united voice is the first step to having a real say about your job – and a strong voice on the issues that matter to you. nominations for united voice victorian branch's elections are now open. a bartender from high-end restaurant chin chin will go to court today to recover thousands of dollars in unpaid wages after working 14-hour days and over 50 hours a week in the latest wage theft scandal to rock australia’s booming hospitality sector. having the validity of our members' relationships questioned through a divisive and non-binding postal survey is not something we’d ever support. but as long as it was going ahead, union members across the country vowed to win it. and we did. making ends meet on insecure hours is stressful and tough. it can be difficult to pay our rent or mortgage, and provide for our families. table games dealer and proud ca*ino union member, kevin pham, used to have these worries. but not anymore. for the last two weeks margarita has waged an epic campaign to get a meeting with malcolm turnbull to ask him why he supports cutting her members of the cleaners union have had some huge wins in our fight for good secure jobs in the industry!

Unitedvoicevic Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: United Voice Could be improved
Description: United Voice members are essential to our community. We’re proud of our hard work. We want to be valued for it. And we're ready to speak
H1: We all know educators aren't valued for the important work we do. That's why I joined my union - to play my part.
H2: Get the latest United Voice newsIs it informative enough?
H3: Sign up to receive news about United Voice members – and how you can stand with us to win good, secure jobs and a better future for all Victorians.

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Internal Pages


About United Voice Victoria - United Voice Victoria


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About United Voice Victoria


Leadership - United Voice Victoria


United Voice is a member-led union. At all levels of our union, members play a vital role in setting our agenda and shaping our campaigns.




Research - United Voice Victoria


Here you'll find United Voice Victoria's research reports.




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Member Information Statement - United Voice Victoria


Find out about our governance procedures and policies.


Member Information Statement


Our Mission


News - United Voice Victoria


United Voice Victoria is a union of workers organising to win better jobs, stronger communities, a fairer society and a sustainable future.


October 11, 2018 3:55 PM

All the information about unitedvoicevic.nationbuilder.com was collected from publicly available sources

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