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Pagination is an important design element. Whether we talk about desktop, mobile or web based systems, pagination is needed to navigate Below is a collection of creative pagination styles that can be used while designing an app or site. > “Asking users to adopt new behaviors or even modify their existing > behaviors is very, very hard.” — Khoi Vinh When a user is continuously using a product, he becomes comfortable with it, although it might have several shortcomings. He does not want > “Design is everywhere. From the dress you’re wearing to the > smartphone you’re holding, it’s design.”— Samadara Ginige Design is not limited to the digital world, but instead EVERYTHING WE USE IN OUR DAILY LIFE IS DESIGNED FOR HUMAN EASE. The hairbrush that you use every day is designed in a way that provides good usability when you are brushing your hair.  A good UX designer always looks forward to learn and share any related knowledge with other designers. Below list contains few amazing UX links that I believe will enhance your UX understanding and help you to grow in the field. Let’s have a look, and do not forget to share links that you like other people to go through. Continue reading “Popular Design Links — Aug & Sep 2018” → > “Look at usual things with unusual eyes.”–Vico Magistretti Being a UX designer, you must have an eye to look usual things in an Can you feel that there are few things that need to improve? Maybe visual artefacts or logical grouping of options on UI? Becoming a successful UX designer is based on many factors together. Out of those, CONSISTENCY is an attribute that helps you maintain Being consistent in your work and in daily routine makes it easier for you to overcome any calamities coming your way. It helps you to develop a habit of focusing on your work without giving up. Continue reading “The One Quality All Successful UX Designers Have” → Everyone loves to be praised for his or her good work. It feels really good when someone appreciates you, your work, or your actions.

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If you have a p ion of creativity and you want to change the world through your design thinking, this blog is for YOU. UX Design World is a blog that shares stories about user experience, usability and product design with true love and dedication. A continuous effort is being made to focus on everyday problems…



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