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Latitude: 59.95
Longitude: 10.75

Summarized Content

In order to realize a service that is always available to our customers, we have found some of the best partners in the industry, which guarantees maximum availability and stability. Our goal is to make as many people as possible understand the benefits of using SMS to streamline their own and others' use of time. In our world it's all about making things happen faster. ViaNett is working hard to ensure that any developer who wants to use our messaging gateway in their application, site or system, can do so reliably and simply. Our APIs are fast, simple and reliable and can easily fit into any project. You can test-drive or start to use our With our good solutions for monitoring, you have full control of all history in any country at any time.Our services are based on being available around the clock, and one of our main goals is to give you maximum availability and stability. In our world, it is all about getting important things to happen faster! We believe that fast communication provides good ViaNett increases security through Verji SMS from Rosberg AS Smartphones are subjected to silent attacks these days, you will never know that you are infected and no Anti- virus can detect these threats. This is in other words attacks that are stealthy and ViaNett buys Sendega ViaNett acquires 100% of the shares in Sendega AS, making ViaNett the second largest company in the SMS market in Norway today. Both companies provide products and services related to mobile communications and mobile payments in Norway and will have a total turnover of NOK 120 million (approximately 14.4 million EUR). Read ViaNett is a company with strong growth, with an annual turnover of 70 million spread over 14 employees. The company´s primary focus is on trading and transmission of SMS traffic. ViaNett handles about 700,000 SMS per day for companies and individuals in more than 175 ViaNett is a solid company with strong technical expertise in SMS-services and online products and services. Our goal is to help you

Vianett Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: High Quality SMS Gateway Services - ViaNett - SMS Gateway Could be improved
Description: Worldwide SMS gateways, software for developers, solutions for end-users, Bulk SMS, SMS billing, HLR-lookup, 2-way communication, FREE
H1: About ViaNettIs it informative enough?
H2: High Quality SMS GatewaysIs it informative enough?

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Free demonstration account - ViaNett - SMS Gateway Services


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Free demonstration account


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SMS Gateway Products - SMS Software - ViaNett - SMS Gateway Services


SMS Bulk Gateway, Mobile payment, Two-way communication, Credit card gateway, HLR lookup, Location of end-user, Multimedia messaging, consulting and development


Product Overview - SMS Software


SMS Bulk Gateway


Prices - ViaNett - SMS Gateway Services


Best SMS prices worldwide. SMS Bulk Gateway, Mobile payment, Two-way communication, Credit card gateway, HLR lookup, Location of end-user, Multimedia messaging


Prices - SMS Software Services


Nordic Countries Customers


Developer API - SMS Software - ViaNett - SMS Gateway Services


Build reliable and simple messaging gateway in your application, software, site or system.Our APIs are fast, simple and reliable and fits into any project. Free trial


Developer SMS API Overview


Learn more about each of our SMS API connectivity options below


Why ViaNett - ViaNett - SMS Gateway Services


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Why ViaNett


One connection to all markets and functionality


One supplier for all services you need for your business

All the information about was collected from publicly available sources

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