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Description: Military police at Australia's detention centre in Afghanistan were pressured to make prisoners more ''pliable'' by gagging them, depriving them of sleep and denying them exercise, Fairfax Media has been told.Sources with first-hand knowledge of the detention centre at Tarin Kowt said senior officers from Australia's special forces as well as the ''force exploitation team'' - defence intelligence - pressed the detention management team to ''condition'' suspected insurgents ahead of interrogation.The account given by various sources is among claims that contrast with Defence Minister Stephen Smith's assurances this week that Australia approached its responsibility for treating detainees ''with dignity and respect with the utmost seriousness''.Other claims included:■A young male detainee, deaf and mute and possibly intellectually disabled, was held in the centre because of pressure from the Special Operations Task Group despite concerns he was not fit to be detained.■A senior Afghan intelligence officer, a Colonel Hanif, complained vigorously that detainees were being transferred from Australian to Afghan custody on scant evidence that they were actually insurgents.■The ADF denied a teenage boy access to his dying father, a suspected insurgent who had been shot during a battle with Australians. The boy was allegedly turned over to US interrogators, although the ADF denies this.The claims relate to 2010 and 2011, after Australia took over responsibility for managing detainees in Oruzgan province from the withdrawn Dutch troops.Mr Smith gave a detailed statement to Parliament on Thursday in which he said that Australia took all claims of detainee mistreatment seriously. He said 1898 suspects had been detained between August 2010 and May 15 this year. Over the same period, there had been 198 allegations of mistreatment by the ADF. Of these, 193 had been deemed unfounded and five were under review.But Fairfax Media has been told that in the first year Australia was running the detention system, tensions flared between the military police who managed the detainees and the forces who captured and interrogated them.One source said: ''We had two very conflicting sets of guidelines: one was to treat them humanely but the other was the pressure from the SOTG and intelligence guys who wanted us to condition them in such a way as to make them more pliable … so their state of mind was conducive to interrogation. They wanted us to gag and hood the detainees to stop them from talking to each other.''He said the detention centre's commanding officer had fought that, saying: ''If we gag and hood these guys, someone will die.''Fairfax Media has put the claims to the Defence Department and is awaiting responses.This story Administrator ready to work first appeared on Nanjing Night Net.
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