Waggle.org Website Review

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Is waggle.org legit?
Website Value $162
Alexa Rank 2077604
Monthly Visits 1799
Daily Visits 60
Monthly Earnings $9
Daily Earnings $0.3
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Waggle.org Server Location

Country: United States
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Latitude: 37.751
Longitude: -97.822

Summarized Content

provide a last-chance safety net for pets in medical crisis by creating a network-based solution to end economic euthanasia of pets.. waggle is the only pet-dedicated crowdfunding solution that channels funds directly to verified veterinary providers to ensure 100% of. waggle and the waggle foundation are dedicated to building tools and insights to help communities join together and save lives.. pet guardian seeks verterinary care and realizes treatment is out of. guardian, an*mal hospital or rescue group submits case to waggle and raises funds using free waggle. 100% of funds raised go directly to medical care for the pet. this field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. this iframe contains the logic required to handle ajax powered gravity forms.

Waggle Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Pet Funding That Helps With Vet Bills | Could be improved
Description: Our mission at Waggle is to provide a last-chance safety net for pets in medical crisis by creating a network-based solution to end economic euthanasia of
H1: Our MissionIs it informative enough?
H2: Provide a last-chance safety net for pets in medical crisis by creating a network-based solution to end economic euthanasia of pets.
H3: Pet guardian seeks verterinary care and realizes treatment is out of

Other Helpful Websites and Services for Waggle

Internal Pages


How Waggle Works | Help With Pet Medical Bills | Pet Care istance



Learn how Waggle works by visiting our page here. Waggle is the only pet-dedicated crowdfunding platform that partners directly with veterinary providers.


How Waggle Works


The only pet-dedicated crowdfunding platform that partners directly with veterinary providers


Owner or rescue brings their pet to the veterinary practice for care, but soon finds out that the treatment cost is unaffordable.


Crowdfunding For Dogs | Veterinary Financial istance | Cat Funding



Waggle is the only pet crowdfunding platform that partners directly with leading veterinary providers, nonprofits & pet guardians to reduce economic euthanasia.


The Waggle Difference


Waggle is changing that.


Waggle FAQs | Help Paying Vet Bills | Help With Emergency Vet Bills


If you have any additional questions or need any more clarification on anything, please visit our frequently asked questions page or contact us today!


Frequently Asked Questions




What is Waggle?


Economic Euthanasia of Pets | Dog Euthanasia | Vet Bill istance



Choosing to euthanize a beloved pet is always emotionally grueling. Even in situations where he/she has lived a long, happy life, the family suffers this loss.


Economic Euthanasia


A Harsh Reality


Waggle financial istance to guardians of pets in need



Our Services | Pet Donations | Pet istance For Low Income Families



Waggle is the first and only pet-dedicated crowdfunding platform devoted to helping pets in medical crisis. Learn more about our services here!


Our Services


Every day we:


With Waggle, there is.

All the information about waggle.org was collected from publicly available sources

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