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on Capitalism and Society in their Journal: Capitalism and Society, Volume 12, Issue 1, May 2017 Werner Erhard and Professor Michael C. Jensen discuss their positive model of integrity that links integrity and personal and corporate performance.   The creation of this model reveals a causal link between integrity and increased performance. Through the work of clarifying and defining what integrity is and it’s causal link to performance, this model provides access to increased performance for private individuals, executives, economists, philosophers, policy makers, leaders, legal and government authorities. organizational and social transformation. His innovative ideas have stimulated academic conversations at many Universities. He writes A continuing source for these new perspectives comes from Werner Erhard's innovative transformational models and applications that notion of “transformation” to the American public, Erhard spends most of his time with academic colleagues, all of whom are committed to rigorous academic examination of the ideas through writing and lecturing. Current projects include A New Model of Integrity. QUOTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 2015 NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE ABOUT WERNER ERHARD: For several years before his latest professional reincarnation, Mr. Erhard consulted for businesses and government agencies like the Russian ad*lt-education program the Znaniye Society and a nonprofit organization supporting clergy in Ireland. Enter the Harvard economist Michael Jensen. Dr. Jensen, who is famous in financial circles for championing the concepts of shareholder value and executive stock options, had taken a Landmark course in Boston at the suggestion of his daughter, who mended a rocky relationship with “I became convinced we should work to get this kind of transformational material into the academies,” he said, adding that he considers Mr. Erhard “one of the great intellectuals of the century.”  Chairman of the Leadership Institute, USC Marshall School

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Title: Werner Could be improved
Description: Critical thinker Werner Erhard's innovative ideas are stimulating academic conversations in leadership and integrity at Universities and in
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Employee Performance, Management, Leadership Theory


Our primary purpose is to present a positive model of integrity that provides powerful access to increased performance for individuals, groups, organizations, and even societies.


Current Work


Werner Erhard, New Model of Integrity


Werner Erhard, A New Model of Integrity


Integrity - A New Model


Werner Erhard and the est Training


Werner Erhard originated the est Training in 1971.








Werner Erhard New Paradigm For Performance


Werner Erhard New Paradigm for Performance


New Paradigm for Performance

All the information about wernererhard.com was collected from publicly available sources

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