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add to bookmarks log in registration pas*word recovery specify your e-mail, and we will send you a letter to recover your pas*word. Veterinary.rf the first federal publication on veterinary and food security held a public discussion of the results of law enforcement Tatyana Larina: “Russian meat processors have a year-round one depending on demand or season on the food market distinguish between the time of the seller and the time of the buyer. but in the meat industry in the finished product segment is always the buyer's season. In an interview with the portal “Veterinary.RF”, Tatyana Larina, Chairman of the National Union of Meat Processors, spoke about the initiatives of the non-profit as*ociation, the experience of meat industry enterprises in the “Mercury” system and the need to ration the allowable number of technically irreparable or Alexey Plekhanov: “It may have been worthwhile to reform more subtly” about the difficult situation in the fa*ming industry and in the fur market in the chairman of the board of the national as*ociation of fur fa*mers of Russia. Today we continue the conversation on this topic with the general director

Xn--80adjapb7awdo4m Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Veterinary.RF - All-Russian veterinary portal Could be improved
Description: Large veterinary Could be improved
H1: Veterinary.rf The first federal edition of veterinary medicine and food safety
H2: Tatyana Larina: ”Is it informative enough?
H3: Z | ZTITLEZ Veterinary.RF - All-Russian veterinary portal ZZTITLEZ | ZDESCRZ Large veterinary portal ZZHESCRZ | ZH1Z Veterinary.rf: ZYH1Z | ZH2Z Tatya

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Veterinary.RF - All-Russian veterinary portal


Large veterinary portal

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