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Ja*ascript is currently disabled on this browser. Please turn on to make sure YAP Tracker can fully function.. FIND AND TRACK 1000S OF OPERA AUDITIONS AND VOCAL COMPETITIONS. Online and email reminders of your upcoming application deadlines and auditions Optimized for mobile and the desktop. Or access and track opportunities using our iPhone or iPad app. See when others start reporting audition and contract offers. Access and track opportunities using our iPhone or iPad app Easily track expenses, auditors, songs presented and other audition details In addition to providing great opportunities and organizational features for singers and companies alike, YAP Tracker is committed to sharing information about topics relevant to OPERA AUDITIONS, VOCAL COMPETITIONS, opera singers and administrators. Below are our most Opera Lucca is a summer festival for singers and pianists in the hometown of Giacomo Puccini. It will be held at the Lucca Italian School in the summer of 2019, June 9th through July 6th. We specialize in teaching Italian opera and art song, with an emphasis on the language. Our distinguished faculty are either native Italian speakers or experts in operatic Italian: Peter Volpe, Cynthia Lawrence, Antonella Gozzoli, Elvia Puccinelli, Marcello Cormio, and Raphael Fusco. In addition to lessons and performance opportunities, students take daily Italian conversation clas*es. Host family accommodations are also available. Visit our website operalucca.org and email us at [email protected]. Applications are due January 27th, 2019. DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE - Jun 24-Jul 22, 2019 LE NOZZE DI FIGARO: Aug 4-28, 2019. Deadline Jan 31, 2019. Are you ready to take the next step in building your career? Curious about what it takes to sing and live in Germany? Join us in historic Weimar - sing a role in a fully-staged opera, audition for agents, and immerse yourself in German language and culture. Our comprehensive program focuses on the German theatre system and offers intensive training in singing, diction, stagecraft & rehearsal process, masterclas*es, individual lessons & daily German

Yaptracker Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Opera Auditions and Vocal Competitions | YAP Could be improved
Description: An online audition manager with nearly 2500 opera auditions and vocal competitions published each
H1: Find and track 1000s of opera auditions and vocal competitions
H2: Recently PostedIs it informative enough?
H3: 3000 opportunities published each yearIs it informative enough?

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YAP Tracker :: Register with YAP Tracker


YAP Tracker provides access to over 2500 audition opportunities for opera and cl ical singers each year. It is the ultimate resource for young artists and emerging professionals.



Register with YAP Tracker


Access to 1000s of auditions and competitions by registering below.


YAP Tracker :: Open Online Applications


Publicly available applications with online submissions.


Open Online Applications


YAP Tracker :: Closed Online Applications


Applications that were available for online submission but whose deadline has p ed.



Closed Online Applications


YAP Tracker :: Distinguished faculty, beautiful old-world atmosphere: Opera Lucca 2019


Opera Lucca is a summer festival for singers and pianists in the hometown of Giacomo Puccini. It will be held at the Lucca Italian School in the summer of 2019, June 9th through July 6th. We specialize in teaching Italian opera and art song, with an emphasis on the language. Our distinguished faculty are either native Italian speakers or experts in operatic Italian: Peter Volpe, Cynthia Lawrence, Antonella Gozzoli, Elvia Puccinelli, Marcello Cormio, and Raphael Fusco. In addition to lessons and performance opportunities, students take daily Italian conversation cl es. Host family accommodations are also available. Visit our website operalucca.org and email us at [email protected]. Applications are due January 27th, 2019.



Distinguished faculty, beautiful old-world atmosphere: Opera Lucca 2019


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YAP Tracker :: Lyric Opera Studio Weimar 2019 Summer Session: Apply Today!


DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE - Jun 24-Jul 22, 2019 LE NOZZE DI FIGARO: Aug 4-28, 2019. Deadline Jan 31, 2019. Are you ready to take the next step in building your career? Curious about what it takes to sing and live in Germany? Join us in historic Weimar - sing a role in a fully-staged opera, audition for agents, and immerse yourself in German language and culture. Our comprehensive program focuses on the German theatre system and offers intensive training in singing, diction, stagecraft & rehearsal process, mastercl es, individual lessons & daily German language cl es, as well as audition & career management workshops. Our alums work in theatres all over Germany! Learn more & apply at www.lyricoperastudioweimar.com. Scholarships available.



Lyric Opera Studio Weimar 2019 Summer Session: Apply Today!


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All the information about yaptracker.com was collected from publicly available sources

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