Yogitriathlete.com Website Review

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Website Value $224
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Country: United States
Metropolitan Area: New York
Postal Reference Code: 10011
Latitude: 40.7308
Longitude: -73.9975

Summarized Content

a weekend immersion for those who crave the awake and ready life. triathlon. yoga. running. mindfulness. plant-based nutrition. personal training. the sport that becomes a lifestyle. swim, bike and run your way to your first triathlon or ironman race this season. do it with more a vibrant life is the right of every person and it starts with what we put into our bodies.. we are on a mission to create a better world and we are doing that by cultivating the best in our athletes, sharing stories through our. podcast, teaching mindfulness in our yoga clas*es and promoting a healthy lifestyle through plant-based nutrition. it truly changed my life. it's been hard work but i've been getting up at 6am everyday and taking a few minutes to reflect. it's impacted my there were a few things that bj had me doing during training that i was initially skeptical of (heart rate training being one, with track workouts and increased interval sprints being the two others) but those were the exact things that ended up helping me to accomplish my goals. not only did bj coach me through running 4 half-marathons in a year, he did it with the strategy that each race would build up to my final one, where i was able to cut 10 minutes off my finishing time and pr. and i did that entire year of training with no injuries or overtraining issues and successfully fitting it in without giving up the rest of my life. when it comes to race strategy, bj is an ace. i doubted him on my first race but followed what he suggested and ended up killing it. after that, i was a believer.  he's super-smart when it comes to race day nutrition, psychology and motivation. i really never thought i would run another marathon but with bj's help, i accomplished it easily. jess has such a radiant and magnetic personality and i found her presentation to be extremely helpful. i have started meditating bj's coaching is multifaceted but what i love the most about him is his energy. he's genuinely enthusiastic about your progress and

Yogitriathlete Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Yogi Triathlete | Triathlon Coaching, Yoga & Plant-Based Could be improved
Description: YogiTriathlete is the lifestyle, wellness and coaching team of Jess and BJ Gumkowski. Through physical fitness and mental fortitude, Jess and BJ train their athletes how to lift their limits and master their goals. Triathlon coaching, yoga and plant-based nutrition guidance to help you perform your
H1: HomeIs it informative enough?
H2: NOW BOOKING: HIGH VIBE RETREATSIs it informative enough?
H3: Triathlon CoachingIs it informative enough?

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Podcast 137: Chelsea Sodaro on her Long Course Fulfillment and IM 70.3 Indian Wells Victory

All the information about yogitriathlete.com was collected from publicly available sources

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